Can You Wear Wax on Braces While Sleeping?

Can You Wear Wax on Braces While Sleeping?

Embarking on the braces journey is like stepping into a new world. It’s filled with hopes of achieving that perfect smile. But, it also brings subtle challenges and discomfort.

And that’s where dental wax comes in.

I remember the initial alien feeling of braces. They felt like intruders in my mouth! Dental wax became a comforting friend during this time. It helped me ease into this unfamiliar territory of orthodontic adjustments.

Now, many of us with braces often wonder about the practicalities of living with them.

A common question is—can you wear wax on braces while sleeping?

It’s crucial to understand why we use dental wax in the first place. It acts as a barrier. It soothes the interaction between the metal parts of the braces and the soft tissues of the mouth. This prevents irritation and discomfort.

In my journey with braces, I experienced my share of discomforts. The edges and the wires can make the inside of your mouth feel like a battleground. Every night, I wondered if dental wax could be my guardian. Could it protect my mouth from the relentless rubbing and poking of the braces while I slept?

Research supports the use of dental wax. A study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics found that dental wax could significantly reduce discomfort and tissue trauma caused by braces. This was especially true during the initial phases of treatment. This knowledge was a relief during my early days with braces.

So, let’s explore why wearing wax on braces is essential. And let’s unravel the mystery of wearing it while sleeping together.

Table of Contents

Why Would You Need to Wear Wax on Braces?

Preventing Discomfort

Braces are notorious for causing discomfort, especially during the initial days. I remember the sharp edges and wires wreaking havoc inside my mouth! It was as if every component was waging a war against my cheeks and gums. The discomfort was real and ever-present. It felt like navigating through a battlefield every time I moved my mouth.

This is where dental wax swoops in like a hero. It serves as a smooth barrier between the hostile territories of metal and the vulnerable lands of the mouth’s soft tissues. It was like a peacekeeper, providing relief and preventing the continuous battle between my braces and the insides of my mouth.

New Braces Adjustment

Getting new braces feels like hosting unwelcome guests in your mouth. Everything feels different, and your mouth needs time to adjust to its new metallic inhabitants. I can still recall the awkwardness and the continual sense of something being out of place.

Dental wax plays a pivotal role here. It eases the initial discomfort and forms a protective layer, making the adjustment period more bearable. It’s like having a comforting companion, helping your mouth to gradually get used to the braces.

Aiding Healing

Sometimes, braces can cause minor injuries inside your mouth. These tiny wounds need time and a peaceful environment to heal. By wearing wax, I found that I could shield these sores from further irritation, allowing them to heal faster. The wax creates a conducive environment, protecting these small wounds from getting worse due to the constant rubbing and poking.

Expert Advice & Recommendations

Orthodontists recommend using dental wax, especially when the braces are newly fitted. Even research, like the studies published in Angle Orthodontist, suggests that dental wax can significantly ameliorate the issues related to new braces, contributing to a smoother adaptation period.

So, the expert consensus and my own experience both advocate for the usage of dental wax to mitigate the discomfort and aid in the adjustment to new braces.

The Safety of Wearing Wax While Sleeping

Wax Composition

Is it safe to wear dental wax overnight?

That was one of my initial concerns too.

The good news is, that dental wax is non-toxic. The composition of dental wax is such that even if a small amount is ingested accidentally, it doesn’t pose any harm. It’s designed keeping in mind the nocturnal needs of individuals with braces, like me, allowing us to have a worry-free sleep.

Physician’s Insight

I remember seeking assurance from my orthodontist about wearing dental wax overnight. The expert opinions I received were reassuring.

Most orthodontists, including mine, give a nod to wearing wax while sleeping.

Peaceful Nights

Having experienced the discomfort that braces can bring, I found immense relief in using dental wax overnight. It not only allowed me to sleep peacefully but also prevented the sores and ulcers from the relentless rubbing of braces.

By using wax, I could protect the insides of my mouth from further irritations and abrasions while sleeping.

In essence, wearing dental wax while sleeping is not only safe but also highly recommended. The non-toxic nature of the wax and the endorsement by orthodontists make it a reliable companion for nighttime.

Practical Advice for Wax Usage on Braces

Applying the Wax Correctly

Using dental wax is pretty straightforward. It was one of the easiest things I learned in my braces journey.

You start by washing your hands thoroughly—you don’t want to introduce any unwanted guests into your mouth!

Next, dry the area where you plan to apply the wax. I usually used a piece of clean tissue for this.

Then, you take a small piece of wax, roll it into a ball and gently press it onto the area of the brace causing discomfort.

Removing the Wax

Removing the wax is just as simple as applying it. I used to gently peel it off using a toothpick or my clean fingers in the morning.

It’s essential to remove the wax before brushing your teeth. Just like you wouldn’t wear shoes in bed, you wouldn’t want to wear your wax while cleaning your teeth!

When to Use the Wax

I found that using wax was particularly helpful at night and during the initial days after getting braces or adjustments.

However, I used it during the day too if I felt any discomfort or new sores developing. The key is to listen to your body—if it feels uncomfortable, put some wax on it!

Replacing the Wax

It’s essential to replace the wax regularly. I replaced mine every few hours or if it started to break or crumble. Regular replacement ensures that the wax continues to act as a reliable buffer, maintaining the comfort level inside your mouth.

Keeping the Mouth Clean

Maintaining oral hygiene is paramount when you have braces. I was meticulous about cleaning my teeth and braces. This helped in preventing any potential infections or complications. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash were my go-to rituals to keep everything clean and healthy.

The Consequences of Not Using Wax

Sores and Ulcers

Navigating through life with braces and without the comfort of dental wax can be quite a challenge.

I remember the times when I momentarily ran out of wax; my mouth felt like it was under constant assault! The braces, without the cushioning effect of wax, often resulted in sores and ulcers.

These sores are the mouth’s response to the persistent rubbing and poking of the braces’ components.

Without wax, the interior of the mouth can suffer significantly, turning the journey to a beautiful smile into a painful ordeal.

It’s like walking a long distance in uncomfortable shoes—you are bound to get blisters!

Prolonged Discomfort

The discomfort that comes with braces is inevitable. But without dental wax, this discomfort can prolong and escalate. It’s not just about the immediate pain; it’s about the long-term implications.

I found that not using wax not only increased the frequency of sores and ulcers but also extended the duration of my discomfort.

It seemed like the relief was always out of reach, and the journey, which was supposed to be about achieving a perfect smile, felt more like enduring an endless struggle.


Braces are a commitment, a journey filled with adjustments and a bit of discomfort. But they are also a promise—a promise of a radiant, well-aligned smile. During this journey, dental wax emerges as a comforting companion, especially during the night.

I remember my nights with braces; the initial ones were filled with a sense of unease, an unfamiliarity with the new metallic elements in my mouth. The dental wax was like a soft, gentle hand, easing my discomfort and allowing me to sleep peacefully.

So, can you wear wax on braces while sleeping?

Absolutely! It’s a safe and effective way to combat the discomfort and potential sores that braces might cause. It’s about ensuring your nights are as comfortable as your days, and that the journey to a perfect smile is not plagued with unnecessary pain.

It’s crucial to remember to apply and remove it properly, maintain good oral hygiene, and replace it regularly. By doing so, you make the wax an efficient partner in your orthodontic journey, allowing it to do its job in the best possible way.

Remember, braces are not just about enduring discomfort; they are about gaining confidence with every passing day. And dental wax? It’s the silent companion making sure this journey is just a tad bit easier and a whole lot more comfortable!


Can dental wax be ingested during sleep?

Yes, and it’s perfectly safe. Dental wax is non-toxic and designed to be safe even if accidentally ingested.

How often should dental wax be replaced?

It’s good practice to replace it every few hours or if it starts to break or crumble to ensure continued comfort.

Is it hard to apply dental wax to braces?

Not at all! It’s as simple as rolling a small piece of wax into a ball and pressing it onto the uncomfortable area.

Do orthodontists recommend wearing dental wax overnight?

Absolutely. Most orthodontists, including mine, recommend wearing dental wax overnight to prevent discomfort and allow for a peaceful sleep.

Can wearing dental wax help in healing sores caused by braces?

Yes, wearing dental wax can protect sores from further irritation from braces, allowing them to heal more effectively.